Goto any one of,,,,, etc
there are about 200 of them, all with the same unlimited transfer
volume and a 10GB storage space...Register with any of ur gmail acc.
yahoo acc., or the spambox u generated at
* fill in the required details and click on register...If u are
notified that ur registration is successful,goto ur mail box to get
ur password.
* Go back to or any of the hosting site where u signed up and
login with ur email acc. and the password that was sent to ur box.
CREATING A SUBDOMAIN: After u've logged in, click on NEW PROJECT...
Click on Webspace,name the project whatever u like, tick any of the
options u see and click on further.
$ You'll be asked to enter a subdomain name, enter name you want to
appear as ur subdomain name and choose any of the suffixes...u will be
given a range of suffixes from to the 1 u like
e.g of suffixes,,,, etc
MY EXAMPLE:After I was through with my registration, I clicked on New
Project,I clicked on Webspace I chose terry as my project name,
I ticked only chat and community,I clicked further...I chose as my subdomain and I click on create project
$ You'll be asked to wait for 15minutes before your project is created
...All you need do is to log out and log in...the project creation
will be successful after you log in
HOW TO GET YOUR FTP DETAILS: After you've logged in, Click on
MANAGE PROJECT, The project you created will be displayed...Now click on
the project's'll see the following...FTP,PHPmyadmin,Email
...Scroll down to the bottom of the page and get your FTP details.
MY EXAMPLE 2:After I logged in, I clicked on MANAGE PROJECT, I was shown
terry, I clicked on terry...I scrolled to the bottom of
the next page and saw my FTP details which where as follow
username : user99989
password : same as my acc. password (wxjzep)
WHAT TO DO WITH FTP DETAIL: FTP means File Transfer Protocol...It is the
rule that must be followed before a file can be transferred from one
location to another.With FTP you can transfer files from any location on
your PC to your Webspace...since those German hosting sites don't have
an inbuilt FTP client, you will have to use an online FTP client e.g,, etc
$ Goto any of the online FTP client and input the following
server/host: ................. Port: 21
username: .................
password: .................
initial directory: /www
MY EXAMPLE 3:When I got to I inputed
Server/host: port:21
username : user99989
password : wxjzep
initial directory: /www
HOW TO UPLOAD: After you've logged in to the online FTP client, you will
see an empty on upload ( at the left side of the page)
FILES TO UPLOAD: The two main files to upload are your tutorial.php and
php.ini...the Two files can be found in the zip file of your IWP. click
on, click on PHP'll see Testmyserver.php,
tutorial.php and php.ini. drag tutorial.php and php.ini to your desktop
for easier location
$ After clicking on UPLOAD, choose tutorial.php and php.ini
$ You can either choose to rename the tutorial.php or leave it as it is.
RENAME is on the Right side of the page.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Step-by-step on how to open your PayPal account from Nigeria
(1) An email: A free email like yahoo email is okay.
(2) A permanent IP changer like Your-Freedom software, Ultrasurf , or proxy sites like: (Note: The use of proxy sites is not 100% safe)
Be mindful that you MUST NOT access any link that has to do with PayPal directly with Nigeria IP for safety reasons,hence you must always change your IP.
(3) A liberty reserve account: you can open that by going to it is free and easy to open, and they allow all country. Contact me asap if you do not know how to fund your Liberty Reserve in Nigeria.
We are going to use a non European address and non- European Victual Visa Card in the registration and verification of the PayPal account. We shall get any non-European address that PayPal accepts their country and also get a non European virtual card from
(1) Go to , click on the card for PayPal verification and then choose non-European card.
(2) Type the amount of unit you want to buy and put your email, this is the email they are going to send the detail of your card, click on calculate price.
Then you click the link to buy the card through Liberty reserve, follow the process of paying through the liberty reserve, the card presently is $7.50, so your liberty reserve account will be charged with $7.50.
(3) In about an hour the card detail will be sent to your email. Note: you have to use this card within 24hrs.
(4) Get a non European address, look for a non-European address of a country that PayPal accepts and use it in your registration with PayPal or you can choose from my list “.
(5) Go to type the yellow page of a non-European country that PayPal accepts e.g. china yellow page.
A list of links from google comes up; choose a link that has to do with addresses of businesses.
It will now demand that you should put the category of business address you are looking for, just type computer stores or Beauty salons etc, to give us addresses of these businesses.
Use the detail address of any of the addresses that comes up in your registration with PayPal.
You can use any of the address below; just change the number of the address so that it will not be completely identical will another person.
* Address: 248 Xizang Zhong Road
City: Shanghai
Zip Code: 200001
State : Shanghai
Country : CHINA
Phone: +86 21 6122 7488
* Address: 56 Fuxi Street
City: Taiyuan
Zip Code : 030002
State : Shanxi
Country : CHINA
Phone : +86 351 868 7834
After the detail of the visa credit card has arrived in your email go to to start your registration.
Never do anything with PayPal with an IP of a country that PayPal does not accept, so you have to use a proxy site, IP changer or anonymizer for this whole deal, you can use , , .
In the search box given, type and press "enter" on your keyboard.
When you get to PayPal site, click on signup
Choose China for example as your country and choose premium as type of account and continue.
Fill the other detail, you can use your normal name, type the email and password you want to be using for your PayPal account, use the address detail you have gotten above to fill the form, the number in the address is the post code, put the city and the state and then put China as the country of citizenship.
Fill every other part of the form and click sign up at the bottom.
When you finish this session don’t go further, go straight to your email and confirm your email before coming back to put your virtual card.
You still need to do two things:
1. To confirm your email.
2. To verify your account by adding a card.
You will need to hide your IP when you are accessing your email to confirm your PayPal email because by clicking the link PayPal sent to you, you will be re-directed to PayPal website and if you don’t hide your IP when accessing your email, PayPal will discover your real IP and limitation will be placed on your account.
So, first type, then in the search box type the website of your email like and then enter your email, when you get to your email, click on the email sent to you by PayPal, when you get to the email, click on confirm your email, it will demand for you password, put it and get your email confirmed.
Login into your PayPal account and go ahead and click on the Link and confirm your Debit or Credit Card.
To add the Visa Virtual card and get verified don’t forget to hide your IP.
Fill the form with the detail of the Card sent to your email.
Card Type:- Choose Visa
Card Number:- Add the card number
Card Verification Number: Add the CVV2 Number.
Check the Use this Address as billing address. To use the address you used in filling the form for your billing address.
Click on Add card
Your card will be added to your account but it will be demanding for the 4 digit number. Go to , at the top of the site you will see “Request PayPal Code”
In the space below it, type your card number and the email you used when buying the card and click on send request, you will be told that a notification when your VCC Number is ready and will be sent to your email.
Be checking your email, that notification will be sent under 30mins, after you’ve seen the notification, go back to the site and re-type your card number and your email and click on send request and instantly you will see something like XXXX PAYPAL the XXXX represent the 4 digit number you are looking for which would be use for your final stage of verifying your account.
Go to again and sign in with your email and password (Don’t forget to always go through a proxy e.g. ).
Look for a link to supply your 4 digit number, click on it and add the 4 digit number gotten above.
Immediately you add it you will see that your account would have been verified.
1. Get email Address.
Get a liberty reserve account & load it with $10. Don’t know how to load your Liberty Reserve account, contact me asap.
3. Get an IP changer or a Proxy site
4. Get a non-European virtual card via
5. Get a Non European Address
6. Fill a PayPal premium account
7. Confirm your email
8. Add the virtual Card to your account
9. Add the 4 digit number.
If all the pre-exquisite are available, it doesn’t take more than 2hrs.
This trick was curled from EHOW NAIJA and I do not give you guarantee that it will work for you as at the time you are reading this because PayPal might block this virtual credit card once they find out this trick.
More so , just know that I decided to share this article for educational purpose and will never bear any responsibility
Remember, PayPal does not allow Nigerians to own a PayPal account.
call 9janetworks on 07031815582
Step-by-step on how to open your PayPal account from Nigeria
(1) An email: A free email like yahoo email is okay.
(2) A permanent IP changer like Your-Freedom software, Ultrasurf , or proxy sites like: (Note: The use of proxy sites is not 100% safe)
Be mindful that you MUST NOT access any link that has to do with PayPal directly with Nigeria IP for safety reasons,hence you must always change your IP.
(3) A liberty reserve account: you can open that by going to it is free and easy to open, and they allow all country. Contact me asap if you do not know how to fund your Liberty Reserve in Nigeria.
We are going to use a non European address and non- European Victual Visa Card in the registration and verification of the PayPal account. We shall get any non-European address that PayPal accepts their country and also get a non European virtual card from
(1) Go to , click on the card for PayPal verification and then choose non-European card.
(2) Type the amount of unit you want to buy and put your email, this is the email they are going to send the detail of your card, click on calculate price.
Then you click the link to buy the card through Liberty reserve, follow the process of paying through the liberty reserve, the card presently is $7.50, so your liberty reserve account will be charged with $7.50.
(3) In about an hour the card detail will be sent to your email. Note: you have to use this card within 24hrs.
(4) Get a non European address, look for a non-European address of a country that PayPal accepts and use it in your registration with PayPal or you can choose from my list “.
(5) Go to type the yellow page of a non-European country that PayPal accepts e.g. china yellow page.
A list of links from google comes up; choose a link that has to do with addresses of businesses.
It will now demand that you should put the category of business address you are looking for, just type computer stores or Beauty salons etc, to give us addresses of these businesses.
Use the detail address of any of the addresses that comes up in your registration with PayPal.
You can use any of the address below; just change the number of the address so that it will not be completely identical will another person.
* Address: 248 Xizang Zhong Road
City: Shanghai
Zip Code: 200001
State : Shanghai
Country : CHINA
Phone: +86 21 6122 7488
* Address: 56 Fuxi Street
City: Taiyuan
Zip Code : 030002
State : Shanxi
Country : CHINA
Phone : +86 351 868 7834
After the detail of the visa credit card has arrived in your email go to to start your registration.
Never do anything with PayPal with an IP of a country that PayPal does not accept, so you have to use a proxy site, IP changer or anonymizer for this whole deal, you can use , , .
In the search box given, type and press "enter" on your keyboard.
When you get to PayPal site, click on signup
Choose China for example as your country and choose premium as type of account and continue.
Fill the other detail, you can use your normal name, type the email and password you want to be using for your PayPal account, use the address detail you have gotten above to fill the form, the number in the address is the post code, put the city and the state and then put China as the country of citizenship.
Fill every other part of the form and click sign up at the bottom.
When you finish this session don’t go further, go straight to your email and confirm your email before coming back to put your virtual card.
You still need to do two things:
1. To confirm your email.
2. To verify your account by adding a card.
You will need to hide your IP when you are accessing your email to confirm your PayPal email because by clicking the link PayPal sent to you, you will be re-directed to PayPal website and if you don’t hide your IP when accessing your email, PayPal will discover your real IP and limitation will be placed on your account.
So, first type, then in the search box type the website of your email like and then enter your email, when you get to your email, click on the email sent to you by PayPal, when you get to the email, click on confirm your email, it will demand for you password, put it and get your email confirmed.
Login into your PayPal account and go ahead and click on the Link and confirm your Debit or Credit Card.
To add the Visa Virtual card and get verified don’t forget to hide your IP.
Fill the form with the detail of the Card sent to your email.
Card Type:- Choose Visa
Card Number:- Add the card number
Card Verification Number: Add the CVV2 Number.
Check the Use this Address as billing address. To use the address you used in filling the form for your billing address.
Click on Add card
Your card will be added to your account but it will be demanding for the 4 digit number. Go to , at the top of the site you will see “Request PayPal Code”
In the space below it, type your card number and the email you used when buying the card and click on send request, you will be told that a notification when your VCC Number is ready and will be sent to your email.
Be checking your email, that notification will be sent under 30mins, after you’ve seen the notification, go back to the site and re-type your card number and your email and click on send request and instantly you will see something like XXXX PAYPAL the XXXX represent the 4 digit number you are looking for which would be use for your final stage of verifying your account.
Go to again and sign in with your email and password (Don’t forget to always go through a proxy e.g. ).
Look for a link to supply your 4 digit number, click on it and add the 4 digit number gotten above.
Immediately you add it you will see that your account would have been verified.
1. Get email Address.
Get a liberty reserve account & load it with $10. Don’t know how to load your Liberty Reserve account, contact me asap.
3. Get an IP changer or a Proxy site
4. Get a non-European virtual card via
5. Get a Non European Address
6. Fill a PayPal premium account
7. Confirm your email
8. Add the virtual Card to your account
9. Add the 4 digit number.
If all the pre-exquisite are available, it doesn’t take more than 2hrs.
This trick was curled from EHOW NAIJA and I do not give you guarantee that it will work for you as at the time you are reading this because PayPal might block this virtual credit card once they find out this trick.
More so , just know that I decided to share this article for educational purpose and will never bear any responsibility
Remember, PayPal does not allow Nigerians to own a PayPal account.
call 9janetworks on 07031815582
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